After a lovely week in Bretagne we went for three whole days to Paris. It was magical. Before I had seen Paris I thougt it was a perfect capital - but it isn't. The streets are quite durty and there are lots of poor ones on the street and quite a lot of pollution in the air but it is Paris, a capital with fantastic architecture, beautiful houses; the capital is really alive.
During the three fanatsic days in Paris I had time to discover a lot. I WENT UP TO THE EIFFEL TOWER! The views were just fantastic, in the beginning I was a little bit afraid and wondered that was the Tower moving a little bit but after a while you forgot everything else alse and could just think about how lucky you were to enter the Eiffel Tower! I have so long been dreaming of entering the Eiffel Tower and now I have been there and even to the very top! After that we even ate an excellent dinner in the Eiffel Tower and we even used the toilettes there!
I saw l' Arc de Triomphe, Moulin Rouge, la Pyramide de Louvre, we visited Notre Dame, les Galeries Lafayette... We also took the tourist bus and made the trips with the bus. We sat on the roof and for a while you went a little bit crazy when you were so happy...
Le repas excellent! |
Il y a beaucoup de monde sauf que moi qui aime prendre des photos... |
Le police peut faire des betises aussi... |
Ce n´est pas bien! |
Notre bus! |
Des couleurs francaises |
Le Louvre |
La Notre Dame |
La Tour Eiffel |
L´arc de la Triomphe |
Dans la Tour Eiffel! |
Ma mère d´accueil et moi |
Les tourists... |
Le retsurant dans la Tour Eiffel |
Super! |
Dior... |
Ma voiture |
Il y a combien de fenetres? |
Le plus vieux restaurant à Paris |
Vi ler för mycket! |
Au cinéma à Paris |
Papa, regarde! |
Mon tableau préférée |
Le train en France est très comfortable! |
On Saturday we went with my hostfamily to Bretagne, Guilvinec. It was a small village next to the sea. We lived in a "hotel house" and we could see the sea from our windows. The air was so fresh and the smell was special. It was like there were swimming invisible fishes in the air and you could smell the salt of the sea. It was a very fantastic place and for me it was very important to see the sea again when I in Finland see the sea every day. During the days we visited other small villages next to Guilvinec but the best thing was to go to the beach and faire peche à pied. Search for small animals, collect shells...
During the days the sea is very high and at some places the road is just next to the sea, so during the days you can get wet if you are walking too close. This day the wind was very hard but not cold and we started to have a competiton who could stand closest and longest next to the wall. We laughed so much that it started to hurt in the stomach, we got wet too but to that we just laughed moore.
In Guilvinec was a fantastic restaurant, Halloween was near and they had decorated the restaurant with everything that you just can think of that is typical for Halloween; Ghosts, lots of lights...
Notre maison |
Un marché |
La mer, tu me manque beaucoup! |
Après la guerre |
On voit le petit chemin là-bas? |
Les chèvres |
Cést très jolie, n´est ce pas? |
Beaucoup, beaucoup des coquillages |
On a joué beaucoup le jeu RISK |
Voilà! Moi avec ma première famille d´accueil |
On étaient là! |
L´eglise à Quimper |
Jag har ingenting gjort... |
Le plus belle magasin avec les fleurs! |
Le meilleur restaurant |
Des crepes, c´est le spécialité en Bretagne |
Notre guide |
During the holidays I had the change to visit many new, nice places in France. The 21st of October I went with my school for one day to Paris. We went from Thionville at 4 o'clock in the morning and came back at 2 o'clock in the night. We were all very tired but we really had a good time and for me it was my first time in Paris! I was very excited and during the day we visited many places; le Centre Pompidou (YaYoi KUSAMA and Edvard MUNCH), le jardin des Tuileries, la Fontaine Stravinski, Colonnes de Buren, Station de Métro-Palais Royal d'Othoniel, Pyramide du Louvre, FIAC (with over 2000 artists and paintings). We also saw the Eiffel Tower and the l' Arc de Triophe. Paris is the city of our dreams and know I understand why.